Spine Gourd: The Teasle Gourd

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Spine Gourd: The Teasle Gourd


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This is a small booklet/pamphlet of 44 pages on “Cucurbits-Spine Gourd”…

Scientific name of spine gourd or teasle gourd is Momordica dioica. Spine gourd is a cucurbitaceous vegetable which is closely related to bitter gourd. However, it is not bitter in taste as bitter gourd. As in case of other cucurbitaceous vegetables (cucurbits) which mainly include melons and gourds, spine gourd is also grown as a summer vegetable in tropical and subtropical countries. Spine gourd is called Kantola or kakrol in Hindi, mada hagalakai in Kannada, kadu peere in Tulu, and paagila in Konkani.

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Gardening & Horticulture