Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a good remedy for abdominal bloating, nausea, and diarrhoea. It stimulates digestive enzymes and aids in digestion. Ginger encourages sweating in high temperature fevers and cures cough and common cold.

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Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlics are rich in antioxidants particularly quercetin which protects body cells from free radical damage. It is also rich in sulphur compounds such as allium propyl disulphide, which imparts garlics its pungent flavour. Some researchers suggest that these sulphur compounds present in onions and garlics prevent cancer cell formation by preventing formation of free radicals. That is, onions and garlics have anti-cancer properties, particularly it prevents colorectal and stomach cancers.

It is also antimicrobial. Consuming onions and garlics on a daily basis prevent occurrence of common cold and flu.  Some researchers suggest that consuming garlics on a daily basis improves sleep and mood as onions prevent depression by preventing excess homocysteine formation within the body. Excess amounts of homocysteine may prevent blood reaching from brain and may also interfere with the production of hormones serotonin (called happiness hormone), dopamine (called feel-good hormone), and norepinephrine (called mood-enhancing hormone).